Pr. James Victor Lubwama


2 Chronicles 20:17 (NLT)
"But you will not even need to fight. Take your positions; then stand still and watch the Lord’s victory.

If you want God to fight for you, you need to standstill; if you want to see the salvation of the Lord, you should stand on the rock. The rock is the word of God – Rhema or Logos word. When storms strike, always remember to standstill on the Word of God because if you are not standing on the rock, you will be consumed by problems.

There was a lady who came to church; she had had three consecutive miscarriages. Midway her forth pregnancy, she came to me during our weekly counseling session and narrated her misery and fears, but amidst our conversation, the Holy Spirit communicated to me and I told her that; ‘she you will give birth and nurse that child.’ She was scared that she would lose that pregnancy like the other ones. After a few months, she started feeling awkward and went for checkup. The doctors discovered that the baby in her womb wasn’t responding to which she was informed that the child was dead. But this lady refuted what the doctor told her and remembered the prophetic word I gave her that; ‘she will deliver and nurse the child in her womb.’ Those are the words she kept on shouting as they were taking her to theatre to remove the dead baby. While testifying she narrated that the doctors even thought that she had run mad because of the positive words she was shouting in a such sorrowful moment (1 Corinthians 1:18). After operating her, it was discovered that the child was alive. What restored the life of the new born baby? The Rhema word - this lady stood-still on the rock and eventually saw the salvation of the Lord!

Even when Jesus was being persecuted, he stood on the rock. He knew that he would die and resurrect after three days – He went to the cross rest assured that his father would raise him up after three days (Mark 9:31). When problems strike, standstill on the rock and then you will see God’s saving hand
What prophetic or rhema word do you have? We write down God’s word in our note books or try to memorize it but later we forget it; however, after writing it, get a quiet time and meditate about it, and by doing so, it will move from your head to your heart, and once it has gone to your heart, it can never be uprooted - the word of God is kept in the heart not head; you can never forget what’s in the heart. (Joshua 1:8Psalm 119:11)

When you seek God amidst troubles, the battle is no longer yours but His; all you’ve got to do is to surrender all your problems and worries unto Him and standstill on the rock. 


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