Pr. Geoffrey Kibombo


Joshua 6:2 (TLB)
God spoke to Joshua, ‘Look sharp now. I’ve already given Jericho to you, along with its king and its crack troops. Here’s what you are to do….”

In Joshua 6, the Lord gave Joshua specific instructions on how to conquer Jericho which instructions he passed onto the priests and the people. Many times at various seasons, the Lord gives specific instructions to our Joshua – Pastor, on what is to be done at specified time – this could be, fast for specific days or offer, but some people stubbornly decide to rebel and in so doing they even harvest a portion of their rebellion by missing out on the blessing of that moment.

Whatever the Holy Spirit or servants of God tell you to do is what you should do; our role as believers is to follow instructions. You want the walls of Jericho to fall; play your part by following Joshua’s instructions.  Joshua 6:6-10 (TLB) So Joshua summoned the priests and gave them their instructions: the armed men would lead the procession, followed by seven priests blowing continually on their trumpets. Behind them would come the priests carrying the Ark, followed by a rear guard. 10 “Let there be complete silence except for the trumpets,” Joshua commanded. “Not a single word from any of you until I tell you to shout; then shout!”

Only God knew how this victory was going to happen. He did not want them to speak to each other of what he was going to do, why? Because He did not want them to conceive seeds of unbelief; if they were to speak they were going to doubt the instructions of Joshua.

During the Exodus, the children of God ran out of water and when Moses sought God for a solution, he was instructed as follows in Numbers 20:6-7(NLT) – “The Lord said to Moses, “You and Aaron must take the staff and assemble the entire community. As the people watch, speak to the rock over there, and it will pour out its water……..” But because of Moses’ anger, he did otherwise – struck the rock instead and he was denied the opportunity to enter the promised land. Numbers 20:11-12(NLT) – “Then Moses raised his hand and struck the rock twice with the staff, and water gushed out. So the entire community and their livestock drank their fill. 12 But the Lord said to Moses and Aaron, “Because you did not trust me enough to demonstrate my holiness to the people of Israel, you will not lead them into the land I am giving them!”

Our part is to pray, believe God and, his word and follow instructions knowing that God will fulfill His word. We have to know that all things are possible with God if we also do what is required of us. Study the scriptures and you will see that in everything God did, man had to also play his part. It’s not for you to know how he will do it and when, because the times and seasons are in His hands.
Do what you are supposed to do. Keep serving God, obey his commands and instructions, and have faith in his word and servants. God loves us so much that He works in conjunction with us!

Play your part and leave the rest to God.


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