Pr. James Victor Lubwama
The church attracts many believers from
all walks of life; however, not everyone who comes to our church is pastored by
me (spiritual children). Some come to the ministry because of the calling and
anointing upon the pastor like the miracle working power. There are two
categories of people in church;
1. The ones that I pastor (spiritual
2. The ones that i pray for (followers)
The distinction is created by the people
themselves; by how they relate with me as a pastor, their ability to imitate me
as i imitate Christ and by following my instructions. Paul tells the Christians
in 1 Corinthians 4:15-16 (NLT) that;
"For I became your father in Christ Jesus when I preached the Good News to you. 16 So I urge you to imitate me."
"For I became your father in Christ Jesus when I preached the Good News to you. 16 So I urge you to imitate me."
And in 1 Corinthians 11:1 (NLT) he says;
you should imitate me, just as I imitate Christ."
You can be able to tell the difference
between the people I pastor and followers. The spiritual children do the following;-
1. They support the ministry vision and
2. They are servants not spectators
3. They continuously fellowship
4. They tithe and give
5. They submit to the anointing on the
servant of God
6. When they are trusted with a ministry
they serve wholeheartedly
The bible says in John 10:27 (AMP) that;
sheep that are My own hear My voice and listen to Me; I know them, and they
follow Me."
The people in my ministry (in the
circumference) will be perfected by the anointing but those who are out will
not benefit that much from the anointing upon my life because they are outside
my covering (outside the circumference)
A circumference is the distance around a
circle. In reference to the diagram of the circumference above, there are two
circles and an outer space, and they represent the following.
1. The inner circle refers to the pastor
and the anointing upon him. The circle expands depending on his calling and the
commissioning from God
2. The outer circle is for the
participators – spiritual children. These are the people who submit to the
anointing and the leadership of the pastor. They love the pastor and follow his
instructions. They fellowship, minister, tithe and, give as guided by the
pastor. Their obedience and submission attracts the anointing upon the pastor
to teach them. When the Rhema word is spoken, they receive it. They are obedient
and submissive which causes them to move close to the anointing; they are
committed to protecting the pastor and anointing at all costs. Pray to God to
give you love for your pastor so as to move into the inner circle and partake
of the covenant upon him.
3. The outer space is for spectators -
both believers and unbelievers. They are not sure about the anointing; they are
not fully convinced, and thus they are watching to see how it will be and how
things will end. They are on a trial run, they don't completely believe but they
need the prayers and the anointing upon the pastor. They are on and off in
attendance and don't follow the pastor's instructions. As such, they are
outside the circumference - outside the covering of the anointing. They don't
understand and honour the pastor, and they get jealous of the achievements of
the pastor and ministry.
Move into the circumference!!
The heaven children speak the heavens language and it's only understood by them.