Mathew 6:9b (NKJV)
".........Hallowed be Your name"

Before you start praying, worship God! Exalt him and talk of his greatness. When you worship God, he draws closer to you and you draw closer to him. Miniaturize your problems and magnify the Lord. Talk and sing of his goodness, greatness, mighty and mercy. You cannot worship with a frantic mind! Take your eyes off; yourself, the surrounding, and your problems, and focus on GOD. At that moment, it’s not about what’s wrong with you but what’s right with him. God not only deserves worship, he commands it

Worship is a heart matter. Why? Your heart is the source of life and that is where God dwells, so sing and make melodies in your heart to the Lord. Ephesians 5:19 (NLT) “Singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, and making music to the Lord in your hearts”


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