Mathew 6:11 (NKJV)
"Give us this day our daily bread."

Daily bread refers to the blessing and provision of this season. Seasons change. Jesus was telling us to pray for things of the contemporary generation. i.e. contemporary cars, buildings, knowledge, systems etc. Things that define and drive this era, and when we get hold of them, use them to change and impart the world, and draw more people to God. You need the blessing of the 21st century not 18th or 19th, and more specifically of 2016

The word of God does not change, but things we use in our daily life change. 30 years ago there was no social network and the internet was a closed system, today 60% of the world communicates digitally. If you are still in analogue mode, you will find setbacks. If you are still using industrial revolution methods and techniques to operate in this digital era, you need fresh anointing! A transformed contemporary person will easily cause a lot of people to cross to Jesus.

Jesus says that; pray for the provision, blessing, and grace of this season. The cost and standard of living is always going up, which means you need God’s constant divine provision and blessing. The bible says in Deuteronomy 28:13 (NLT) “…..the LORD will make you the head and not the tail, and you will always be on the top and never at the bottom”. And for you to be at the top or above and a head, you need to have the blessing of every season.


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