Pr. James Victor Lubwama
Matthew 28:7 (TLB)
And now, go quickly and tell his disciples that he has risen from the dead, and that he is going to Galilee to meet them there.”
You may have the right word at the right time but if you are not positioned in the right place whatever has been said about your life will never be realized – for God is a God of right places. You will miss God and his divine grace and provision if you are not positioned in the right place. Mary conceived Jesus while she was in Nazareth but God planned for the child to be born in another town - Bethlehem. God will create a circumstance to cause you to go where he requires you to be in order for his plan to come to pass; you will receive your breakthrough if you are in the right place. Every miracle has the anointing that will incubate it till it is birthed. You want to fight, finish and see victory, be rightfully placed.
In Mathew 28, after resurrection, the angel gave specific instructions to the women who had gone to check on the body of Jesus to deliver to his disciples. God is specific; he chooses places; and so whoever was not in Galilee did not see Jesus! There is a Galilee concerning your work, breakthrough or miracle; God earmarked a place where he is meant to meet you and usher you into your harvest, but some of you have left the right place and out of ignorance missed out on God.
When you are in the right place where God requires you to be, you will experience the following;
I) Peace: This is the first thing you will experience once you are in the right place or ministry or job or doing the right calling. The peace that the Prince of Peace gives is not the same as the world gives; the peace that Jesus gives in unconditional. Jesus said in John 14:27 (TLB) that; “I am leaving you with a gift-peace of mind and heart! And the peace I give isn’t fragile like the peace the world gives.”
II) Revelation of the Word: You will experience the word that is preached in that place; you will understand it and get revelations of what is preached or taught because for where there is revelation there will be a revolution. If you are comfortable where you are seated and understand the preaching and teaching of the word, the anointing will be manifested in the results; where the anointing is present, you will never see burdens because the anointing destroys yokes of all kinds – there is transformation of the old person spiritually and physically. Remember though that yokes will not go at once because the Lord deals with us step by step not all at once and each step is a miracle.
III) Love: When Jonathan and David met, their souls united. 1 Samuel 18:1 (AMPC) says; When David had finished speaking to Saul, the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own life.” There is a spiritual union on your first encounter with the one who will lead you or those you will work or minister with. You will love them because all things concerning God are done in love. Whenever you love someone, even though you are given a difficult task you will perform it. However, if you don’t love them, even the simplest things or habits will put you off. In the right place, you will experience unconditional love and a connection with those around – for the right place brings along the right people who will help in the good fight, not those who will fight against you.
Being in the right place is Important. You will not automatically be victorious from anywhere apart from the right place. Whenever God sends you to the right place, he will go before you. If he sends you to Nineveh, he will go ahead of you, but if you instead head to Tarshish, you will struggle and find attacks of all kinds because there is no covering from God. Where are you headed? Do not waste time in the wrong place - ensure that you are in the right place - right according to God, not according to you, and as you fight, you will surely see victory.

You will not finish the race if you are not in the place where God expects you to be. If you want to see God’s provision and blessing; if you want to be purposeful and victorious, you must be in the place where God tells you to be not where you want to be!


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