Pr. James Victor Lubwama
Colossians 1:16 (TLB)
“Christ himself is the Creator who made everything in heaven and earth, the things we can see and the things we can’t; the spirit world with its kings and kingdoms, its rulers and authorities; all were made by Christ for his own use and glory.”
In his message to Timothy, Paul talks about having fought the good fight. We need to be aware that if there is a good fight, then there is also a bad fight! In a bad fight one may fight and miss the target or get defeated, but Paul fought a good fight, kept the faith and was awaiting a crown. 2 Timothy 2:8 (NLT) – “And now the prize awaits me – the crown of righteousness…….” At the end of the fight, we all need to be crowned; you need to be passed out at some point and with a prize.
As a believer you must know that everything that wages war against you has a spiritual root. Paul shares a secret in the scripture above that both visible and invisible creations are created by God. Know ye therefore that there is an invisible or spiritual world and you don’t fight an invisible world using carnal weapons
During creation God made both the visible and invisible. The problems you face, even your blessings are all birthed in the invisible world before they manifest in the physical.
In order to fight the invisible battles that are rooted in the spiritual realm you need to change your fighting strategy - get into the spiritual realm and silence that problem. Prayer is spiritual communication with God – dialogue between God and man. We must therefore keep it in mind that God is a Spirit and to communicate with Him, we must use our spirits to access the spiritual world. John 4:24 says: "God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” We humans exist in two worlds at the same time - flesh and spirit. Just like God is a spirit, even the evil forces attacking us operate spiritually – evil spirits.
By the time weeds appear in a garden, they would have grown from an invisible place in the ground and if you uncaringly weed a garden and do not destroy the weeds right from the root they will return and that means double work. Everything good or bad is birthed first in the spiritual before it is manifested in the physical: Because it’s God’s intention to bring an end to our problems, he endeavors to reveal to us the mysteries of the things in the spiritual realm because that is where everything originates from. We have perpetual troubles because we do not tackle their source, but with spiritual weapons we can combat these troubles and completely wipe them out.
God created both the visible and the invisible world. Whether they are sovereignties, dominions, principalities, or powers, all things were created by him, and for him. There are sovereignties and places of authority in the spiritual realm. Once God places you in the place of authority in the physical, be assured that one day you will sit in the place of authority in the spiritual realm - it all begins in the spiritual, however long it takes for your blessing to get to you, because one day when you prayed or when a prophecy was spoken into your life, something was born.

Remember, in a good fight, you do not fight against flesh and blood. What manifests in the physical should be fought in the spirit, and that calls for spiritual warfare. 


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